Films Oiseau de nuit

20 sept. 20222 Min

Tuxtla & Cañon de Sumidero, Mexico

Mis à jour : 16 sept. 2023

What to do in Tuxtla, Sumidero canyon, la marimba, dinner-show.

Tuxtla was supposed to be a city of passage, where we weren’t supposed to linger very long.

We were therefore surprised by the quality of the activities there were to do and by

its free museum of the marimba, a Mexican heritage instrument, which our guide taught us

a whole new musical knowledge.

To view the interview about the marimba :

Sumidero canyon

Sumidero Canyon , Mexico

Of course, we were around for a boat ride in the Mexican Grand Canyon, on the Sumidero River. The walls of this natural beauty reach up to 1000 meters. The attraction is visited by mostly Mexican tourists, who may want to try to see threatened and endangered species of animals, such as the Central American river turtle or the American crocodile, but you can admire other type of wildlife on the scene if ever these animals were a little more shy.

American crocodile in Sumidero Canyon , Mexico

The canyon has several small caves that your guide will take care to show you during your organized tour and many magical waterfalls. The most famous one you see just now is called “El Arbol de Navidad”, or the Christmas tree.

''Arbol de Navidad'', ''The Christmas Tree'', Sumidero Canyon , Mexico

But what local and foreign tourists can also see during their visit is that the Grijalva River, located south of the canyon, carries with it a serious problem of pollution of its waters. 5000 tons of solid waste is extracted from the river each year. Definitely, this seems to be only the first part of the solution. This waste comes from houses and businesses in the area dumped on the ground or in streams, which the rainy season then drags down to the national park.

Pollution in Sumidero Canyon , Mexico

To end on a slightly happier note, we attended a dinner show where the dance and theatrical performance of the waiters delighted the guests, who allowed themselves during this pleasant evening to taste artisanal food presented in a neat way.

Las Pichanchas [Restaurante], traditional Mexican dance
